Student Satisfaction Survey

What is your favorite part of being a student at 同城约炮MS?

Top 5 Themes:

  • Academic Program
  • Community / Colleagues
  • Faculty
  • Interprofessionalism
  • Diversity
The environment is very collaborative and welcoming. There's little competitiveness amongst students, and instead students try to build each other up.”

All of the faculty and staff truly care. I truly feel this institution wants to ensure our success.”

Some faculty that I encounter here are the most down to earth, kind individuals I have ever met. Their passion for teaching shows”

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science is committed to providing a student-centered campus environment. Every two years we survey our students for feedback to ensure we are providing appropriate resources and services to promote student success and satisfaction on campus.

同城约炮MS students are overwhelmingly positive about the campus environment. Eight out of ten students would choose 同城约炮MS again if they could.

The findings provided on this website are from the 2023 Student Satisfaction Survey. In 2023, 908 students (48%) completed the survey responding to questions related to our campus environment:

  • Overall Campus Environment
    • Facilities
    • Safety
  • Educational Experience
    • Faculty
    • Class Size
    • Interprofessionalism
  • Academic Resources
    • Library Resources
    • Technology
  • Student Services
    • Academic Support
    • Food Service
    • Student Activities and Engagement
    • Fitness and Recreation
    • Student Counseling
    • Student Housing
    • Student Health Center
    • Student Financial Services

You Said, We Did

  • In October 2023, we opened 15 additional study rooms for all students to utilize doubling the dedicated study rooms on campus outside of the library.
  • Additional Student Study Space was incorporated into our new Campus Master Plan.
  • In early 2024 we will open a new expanded Reflection Room for meditation and prayer.
  • In early 2024 we will reopen the Nap Nook for short naps on campus.
  • Food Services will have updated availability on campus including more budget-friendly meal options and more items available in the Grab and Go area available 24 hours a day.

Overwhelmingly (98%), our students report feeling safe on campus.

We appreciate our students’ feedback. There were 9 areas that received lower satisfaction. We are already implementing improvements to campus which address many of those concerns. We appreciate the feedback of our students and use their feedback to continuously improve the student environment on campus. 

General Comments / Feedback / Suggestions

To submit your general comments, feedback and/or suggestions for 同城约炮MS student environment, please . Responses will be reviewed by Student Success and Wellness. If you would like a reply/response back, please provide your name and contact information.